8 Most Bitter Moments In CM Punk And WWE's Feud

There's been some serious mudslinging between the current UFC fighter and his former employer.

By Josh Wilding /

CM Punk has been greatly missed from the WWE since leaving the company last January, but his ongoing feud with the WWE has actually been just as entertaining as any of those he had in the squared circle. I was actually at the Royal Rumble where CM Punk make his final WWE appearance. The fact that the guy sitting next to me the following night at Raw who was in equal parts disappointed and furious that there was no sign of Punk stands as proof of how devoted his fanbase is, as does the way they spent months chanting for him after he disappeared from TV. That took place before we found out he had left the company of course, and it would be a very long time until fans discovered that he was actually gone and why he had decided to leave. Since then, the feud between CM Punk and the WWE has become increasingly nasty and bitter as both parties have taken shot after shot at the other, making bold claims, dropping harsh insults, and generally doing all they can to ensure they're not perceived as the bad guy. Who really is in the wrong though? Well, looking back at the most bitter moments of the past year and a half might just give you a better idea of who you should choose to side with in this still ongoing war...