8 People Who Went Into WWE Hall Of Fame For The Wrong Reasons

Right person... wrong reason?

By Ross Tweddell /

The WWE Hall Of Fame ceremony is when WrestleMania weekend kicks into top gear. It's traditionally held the night before Mania itself where all the great and good from professional wrestling's past, and present in some exceptional cases, are honoured with a place in the hall and one of those most prestigious of rings. Over the years, the number of superstars that go in every year has kept on growing with no less than nine inductees heading in this year. Back in 1993 when the Hall was founded, Andre The Giant was the sole inductee with no official ceremony held to mark to occasion. This is a far cry from what we can expect this Saturday as a pre-'red carpet' show proceeds the event, which goes on for close to three hours. Nine names are to be inducted to the Hall Of Fame tonight and for once, it's a year where all those to be inducted have totally deserved their place on merit. None of those names will be disputed for entry on this list, HOWEVER, there are some from this year (and many from year's past) who were actually inducted for the wrong reasons. Some deserved their place and others didn't but they all shared this common trait that the reason they are going into the Hall Of Fame isn't what you'd expect and it kind of rubs you the wrong way. Let's explore them...