8 Reasons Wade Barrett Is Quitting WWE

The king is dead, long live the king!

By Ross Tweddell /

It looks like Wade Barrett's WWE career is coming to an end. Last night, ProWrestlingSheet.com's Ryan Satin broke the news that WWE's resident King - sorry Jerry - has opted not to renew his WWE contract that expires this summer. The reason behind the purveyor of Bad News' departure seems to be down to an issue with WWE's fabled creative teams. Barrett is unhappy with the way he's being booked and wants out. He isn't the first, and certainly won't be the last to succumb to this fate. It's a real shame that Barrett's run in WWE has come to this. On two separate occasions it has looked like he'd been set for stardom. His initial run as the leader of the Nexus propelled him into the main event scene, battling the likes of John Cena and Randy Orton before Vince McMahon et al pulled the proverbial rug from under his feet. Then we had Bad News Barrett, the heel gimmick that threatened to get way over as a face. Vince was worried that it might have become too popular so canned it once more for the King gimmick that fell like a led balloon. There's no wonder Barrett wants to leave. Here's 8 reasons that could be behind his decision.
