8 Things International Wrestling Fans Are Tired Of

*insert sound of USA Chants here*

By WhatCulture /

When we all dedicate ourselves to becoming fans of WWE, there is a certain amount of American-ism that we agree to. However, at times this not only becomes stale, but downright annoying.


It's not as though we international fans expect big changes, or for WWE to tone down its patriotism any time soon. It's just that a greater acknowledgement of multiculturalism and international presence should become a thing in 2016. The world is now a much, much smaller place than it was even ten years ago, with the internet and all that jazz. So you would think that logically, the focus of the world becoming more condensed might influence WWE to consider doing more with something like... the Intercontinental Title, for example?

Here are eight things that international fans of WWE are growing seriously tired of.

8. Live Television Times

Alright, this first one is a bit of a cheat, because I know that WWE conforms to US prime time television hours to ensure they get the best ratings they can and for several other more logical reasons. But, taking a step back, it can be exhausting spending upwards of four hours before the sun rises trying to stay focused - especially when the product is less than inspiring as it has been of late.


Being Australian, the only issue in watching live is that it's on at lunchtime. Which is great. Unless you're a contributing member of society who has a job, a student at school, or work shifts at night and sleeps during the day. For other fans, such as our friends in the UK, it's only too real for them, the idea of staying up long past regular sleeping hours to keep on top of what's happening. Because oh my God, the spoilers!
