8 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Sept 21)

Divas turn the Paige, and are two Kanes better than one?

By Scott Carlson /

Coming off of a modestly successful Night of Champions PPV, WWE rolled into Monday Night Raw with three new champions and some ready-made programs to further develop. If handled properly, Raw could set the table for the weeks, and even months ahead. Burgeoning feuds could be expanded upon, while seeds could be planted for others. One success that has yet to be properly measured is the effort to get the €œDivas Revolution€ back on track after stalling in an infinite loop of three teams of three battling each other. WWE took a step in that direction Sunday by taking the Divas Championship off of Nikki Bella and putting it on Charlotte, but the company went a step further Monday when it effectively broke up PCB when Paige turned on her team with words, belittling every woman in the locker room. The new Intercontinental Champion wasn€™t in action, but he demonstrated on the microphone exactly why he deserves to be pushed, as everything he does is crisp and clean. The self-proclaimed prizefighter now has his prize, so it€™ll be interesting to see how that story develops. And the New Day €“ along with Xavier Woods€™ trombone €“ was in attendance, ensuring that fans were entertained. All in all, it was a good start on the road to Hell In A Cell next month. So, what climbed to the top rope, and what got dragged down beneath the ring? Let€™s find out€
