8 WWE Careers Cut Short By Injury

Don't try this at home...

By Jack G King /

Injuries are an unavoidably common occurrence in the wrestling business, with workers picking up little niggles, scrapes and cuts all the time. Unsurprisingly for a profession involving so many bumps and collisions, they can also be devastatingly serious. Whether injuries are sustained as the result of a single botched bump or aggravated by years of uninterrupted minor damage, wrestlers are constantly putting their bodies (and lives) in danger for our entertainment Injuries are not only feared due to the physical pain a wrestler can go through, but also from a career perspective, from the bottom of the industry to the very top. One might expect WWE superstars to generally enjoy better help than other wrestlers due to the comparatively safe nature of their PG product, but the intensely cluttered schedule of most wrestlers on the roster means that an injury can crop up at almost any time. Existing injuries are also often not given enough time to properly heal, given the stresses and strains of life on the road. Many a promising WWE superstar has seen their career utterly derailed by a serious injury cropping up at the most unfortunate of moments, sometimes when they appear to be on the cusp of a life-changing push or title reign.