8 WWE Champions With Surprisingly Limited Move Sets

By Chris Mueller /

Many great Superstars over the years have mastered the technical skills of professional wrestling, but some of the biggest names in the business were anything but great technicians. Think back to some of those great matches like Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant or Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior. We remember those matches because of a few key moments, but by today's standards, they are very basic and would not be entertaining to the more discerning fans who have started to watch wrestling. Wrestling used to be all about technical ability. Then it became about who could be the biggest character, and it still is to some degree, but actual wrestling skills have become more important again. Some Superstars get by with a handful of signature maneuvers and a very basic set of moves while relying more on theatrics to sell their gimmick. And then there are the Superstars who are just too big to move around the ring or do too much. This slideshow will look at 8 former WWE Champions and World Heavyweight Champions who have very limited move sets...