8 WWE Stars Who Need To Go Back To NXT

Sometimes the grass isn't greener.

By Alex Watt /

NXT has to be considered the biggest success story in WWE over the last few years.


With a state of the art training facility, world class trainers and a weekly show on the WWE Network which is arguably better than either Raw or Smackdown, NXT has provided a great base for WWE to produce the stars of the future.

For a developmental wrestler working in NXT, it's the ultimate dream to finally get that call up to the main roster and be handed your chance to work for the fabled WWE.

However, for every Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens or Charlotte, there's also a heck of a lot of superstars who find that the grass really isn't greener once they're thrown into the strict TV environment of Raw or Smackdown.

And when you look at some of the wasted talent on this list, you start to think that maybe it isn't such a bad thing if Shinsuke Nakamura stays put in Full Sail for a little while longer (seriously, Vince if you screw him up!)

The likes of Tyson Kidd, Emma and Zack Ryder all benefited from returning to the developmental territory for a short while to reboot their characters and show off their talent in the ring. Many other current main roster stars would profit from a similar strategy.

So with another bound to be brilliant NXT TakeOver on the horizon this weekend, we've taken a look at eight talented WWE superstars who might benefit from heading back to NXT for a while.

8. The Ascension

How did WWE ruin these guys so badly, so quickly?


The Ascension are still, to this day, the longest reigning NXT tag team champions in the company's history and the most dominant team ever to perform in Full Sail.

Now, sure, that was during a very different period in NXT, when the tag division was nowhere near as strong as it is now but it still remains an incredible achievement.

And standing at 364-days it's unlikely to beaten by any team anytime soon; although we're sure the Revival will give it a good old go.

Konor and Viktor seemed like a can't miss opportunity to have a classic big guy dominant tag team on the main roster, yet WWE instead ensured that these guys were doomed from the start.

Debuting wearing face paint and looking like a knock off Legion of Doom/Demolition combo, they then began to tear down classic tag teams in their promos, which only conspired to show how the Ascension were not on the level of those legends.

Despite their cool look and awesome 'Fall of Man' finishing move, it took less than a month before Konor and Viktor were treated like a joke by the crowd; a sad state of affairs for a team so dominant in Florida.

A return to the developmental ranks would only benefit the Ascension at this point and give them a chance to reboot their characters. Plus, the opportunity to see these guys lock up with Dash & Dawson, Ciampa & Gargano, TM-61, Strong & Aries, and the Authors of Pain seems like a no brainer to us.
