8 WWE Stars Who Needed Circumstance To Become Major Players

Would Stone Cold Steve Austin become the biggest star of the 90s without many dominos falling for him?

By Chris Smith /

WWE.comThere are no guarantees in professional wrestling. Everybody wants to succeed and become the top star, but nobody is promised anything. Few manage to climb to the top. Many who work just as long and hard find themselves permanently stuck in the mid-card. Many only ever get to be jobbers, and many only ever remain on the indy scene without so much as a tryout match. For many of the most famous wrestlers in history, it could be said that they were destined to become stars. Hulk Hogan for example would have succeeded no matter what path he took in wrestling, because of his look, his size, and his ability to work a crowd. The Rock had a tough start in the beginning, but his charisma and talent (and probably his heritage) would have assured him main event status eventually. Everyone says Triple H married his way to the top, but objectively speaking, he always had the tools and the knowledge and the look to get over on his own. He probably would have made it to the top anyway. His marriage simply accelerated the process. Then there are the stars who had fate on their side. A mixture of circumstance, good timing and a little luck. That's not to say that they were unworthy of stardom or that they only got pushed because of sheer dumb luck. Those wrestlers were certainly talented enough to make it in the WWE but then we can never be sure that they would have if things had gone differently. There are no guarantees in professional wrestling, and if not for pure chance, we may never have seen the rise of the following eight stars.