9 Reasons Triple H Needs To Stop Being An On Air Personality

It's time to turn off The Game...

By Ross Tweddell /

Triple H is a really confusing man to get your head around in 2016. Half the time he is playing the bad guy boss as part of The Authority, and the other he's playing the inspirational hands-on leader of NXT. Then there's some other times when he's playing a face general manager on RAW by announcing matches that the WWE Universe want to see, while some other times, and more recently, he's the 'tweener' WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Quite frankly, Triple H is far too much. If you were asked by a former fan of WWE what The Game's job title is these days, you'd need to set aside at least five minutes of your day to explain exactly what he does. HHH needs to pick one hat and wear it with pride. We're all aware that the concept of Kayfabe is dead within the wrestling world today, but it's brands like the Triple H name that rub its death in our faces somewhat. We know that when he lays the law down on WWE television in the form of a sacking and the like that his words are empty. We've been round the block so many times now with Hunter we're left laughing at our screens when he tries to throw his weight around. In the words of the late, great Owen Hart, enough is enough and it's time for a change! Here's 9 reasons why Triple H needs to stop being an on air personality on WWE's main roster shows...