9 Things You Didn't Know About WWE No Way Out

Reluctant title changes, career-threatening injuries and blockbuster angles. Not bad for a 'B' show.

By Lewis Howse /

In a few short weeks time WWE will present Fastlane, their February pay-per-view and the next really big stop on the road to WrestleMania. Fastlane is a new addition to the PPV/Network special calendar - before it was Elimination Chamber, a show that the WWE Universe very much looked forward to. Before even Elimination Chamber was No Way Out, which ran between 1998 - 2009 (minus a year's absence in 1999) before being brought back for a one-off in 2012. The event spanned the Attitude Era, the Ruthless Aggression era and the PG era, something few PPV concepts can boast. Looking back at No Way Out cards past, if I had to sum them up it would be - so-so undercard, great main event(s). That was generally the case with the show, especially when it briefly became a single-branded affair in the mid-2000s. Many classic matches have gone on last at NWO, including the classic Triple H versus Cactus Jack Hell in a Cell match (2000) and Eddie Guerrero versus Brock (2004). It's also had its fair share of disasters, disappointments and other incidents. Here are some that you might not know about...