9 WWE Stars Who Just Needed The Right Manager To Get Over Huge

The missing piece of the puzzle.

By Lewis Howse /

Sometimes you just can't make it on your own... Some performers benefit greatly from having a manager. Take Brock Lesnar, for example - is there any guarantee that he would have become the star he is, if it wasn't for the help of Paul Heyman? Lesnar was a physical specimen, no doubt, but would he have found his voice in the absence of the former ECW chief? Ditto The Undertaker. It's hard to know whether he would have survived those early, Zombie 'Taker years, where he barely uttered a word, were it not for Paul Bearer. Hokey as a lot of his stuff was, Bearer added so much to Undertaker's character and, crucially, helped to effectively get the Dead Man and his disputes over, whenever he was permitted to cut a promo. Certain guys just need a mouthpiece or someone to guide them while out performing to help them reach that next level. They might have all the physical attributes but just lack a little something that only a manager can provide. The following are ten WWE stars who would have no doubt been so much more over, if they had been given a decent manager.