9 WWE Superstars Who Threw Their Manager Under The Bus

These alliances had their limits...

By Michael Patterson /

In the world of professional wrestling, managers are often the key to success. Whether its with convincing microphone skills or their innovative ways of scoring matches for the superstars they represent, the right manager can catapult any wrestler to the top in an instant. Furthermore, their presence at ringside could be the deciding factor in a match's outcome, so it's always handy to keep them close.


Over the years, we've seen some legendary partnerships. From Paul Bearer's guiding of The Undertaker to Paul Heyman's alliance with Brock Lesnar, there has been no shortage of successful superstar/manager duos in the business. However, as these partnerships have proven, sometimes even the closest of relationships has a limited shelf life and, should a dangerous situation arise, the manager could suddenly become expendable.

Brock Lesnar's recent humiliation of Paul Heyman isn't the first time that a superstar has thrown their manager under the bus, and it undoubtedly won't be the last. Some superstars will do whatever they have to in order to succeed, even if it means betraying the person who helped them most. With that in mind, let's take a look back through the history books and remind ourselves who threw their greatest assets to the wolves - and why they did it.

9. Authors Of Pain

The Authors of Pain may have demolished their way through NXT, but they didn't make it to the top without their manager, the legendary Hall of Famer Paul Ellering. With his years of experience and his intimidating expression, his presence undoubtedly complemented the destructive duo and made them even more of a force to be reckoned with.


However, when AOP made their debut on the main WWE roster during the Raw After 'Mania, they decided it was time for a change. Right as the three of them made their way to the back, Akam and Rezar placed their fists on Ellering, threateningly holding him back as they walked off without him — dissolving their union.

This was apparently AOP's way of telling Ellering that they no longer needed him now that they were finally on the main roster. While this definitely wasn't the worst punishment ever inflicted upon a manager, it was perhaps one of the most insulting.
