A Woman Will Actually Be On WWE Crown Jewel!

... but she won't be wrestling.

By Benjamin Richardson /

Crown Jewel Renee

Perhaps Saudi Arabia really is as progressive as it claims to be, as it now turns out one entire woman will be allowed to work at the event - albeit not in the ring.


Pro Wrestling Sheets have reported that broadcaster Renee Young will be permitted as part of WWE's announce team for this Friday's Crown Jewel. It's a huge step on from The Greatest Royal Rumble, on which absolutely no women - wrestlers or otherwise - were allowed to participate.

Islamic codes of dress are strictly enforced in Saudi Arabia. Even as a foreign visitor, Young will be required to wear conservative, loose fitting clothes as well as an abaya (a full length cloak) and a headscarf.


Though it's unquestionably a step in the right direction, Young being allowed to announce the show is some considerable way off anything like equality, and seems more like a token gesture to deflect the barrels of controversy already surrounding the show. It's perhaps easier to grant such a minor concession when the whole deal is in jeopardy.

WWE have yet to officially announce Crown Jewel's commentary team, but expect a big song and dance when they do given this development.
