AEW's Leyla Hirsch Issues Statement On Russia/Ukraine Conflict

AEW's Moscow-born up-and-comer speaks on the ongoing situation in Ukraine.

By Andy H Murray /


All Elite Wrestling's 'Legit' Leyla Hirsch has issued a statement supporting Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia, as Vladimir Putin's invasion enters its 16th day.


The Moscow-born Hirsch tweeted the following on Thursday evening:-

I want to make something very clear. | stand with Ukraine one hundred percent and my heart breaks for its citizens who are suffering at the hands of Vladimir Putin. I was born in Russia. I came to the US at eight years of age and became an American citizen. I cannot change my heritage any more than any other citizen can change theirs. The mere fact that I was born in Russia does not mean that I support this brutal dictator. Everyone who would even suggest such a thing is simply wrong, plain and simple.

Leyla had recently faced social media criticism for wearing ring gear adorned with Russia's colours, even though this long predated the invasion. Seemingly, this prompted her statement.


Hirsch, 25, moved to New Jersey after leaving Russia at eight. She described her experience growing up in a Russian orphanage during a recent appearance on the AEW Unrestricted podcast (h/t Wrestling Inc.):-

“Russia, I was in an orphanage, it is just so different from here. They have like a whole system for us, we had a whole routine when we would eat, go out, go to bed, they were very strict. You had some people that were nice, some people that weren’t the nicest. The one thing that I loved about Russia was food. I love Russian food, I love it. But it was tough, if you got in trouble you had to kind of pay for it, you know. I wasn’t the best kid, I got in trouble a little bit, because I loved to fight. Sometimes that would cost me. I would say it was a great experience, but also not such a great experience, but I feel like I’ve learned so much. Being adopted has changed my whole life.”

An AEW regular since October 2020, when she debuted opposite Hikaru Shida, Hirsch is currently in the midst of the strongest push of her run so far, having defeated Kris Statlander at AEW Revolution 2022 and risen to number one in the company's set of rankings. This will change following her Women's World Title eliminator loss to Thunder Rosa on Dynamite this week, though.
