AJ Lee Unfollows CM Punk On Twitter
Cryptic tweets from Punk suggest a break-up.
"Hello to wasted hours. Bottoms up to Better days." And, "Do I listen to pop music because I'm miserable? Or am I miserable because I listen to pop music?"The second message is a quote from the film High Fidelity, spoken by John Cusack' s character after the end of his relationship. Make of CM's tweets what you will. Punk's preparations for his immanent career in UFC have stepped up in recent weeks with his promotional photos released over the weekend. One can only presume that the hours of intense training Punk is putting in is taking its toll on his marriage. Maybe AJ just wants to spend more time with her hubby. Conversely, maybe there is nothing up and Lee hit the unfollow button by mistake. We've all been there, right? Punk has a history of leaving his partners disgruntled while in a relationship with him. Famously, on the WWE's 'Best In The World' documentary, one of his former lovers said that he makes a great friend but a terrible boyfriend. It goes without saying that the former WWE Champion obviously proved this to be false in the eyes of AJ, but now he is embarking on something new, maybe the octagon is taking precedence over his beloved wife. Only time will tell with this one. We're sure to hear a lot more about it in the coming weeks.