Another WWE Hall Of Famer Teases WrestleMania 38 Appearance

WWE Hall Of Famer says she has "ticket booked" for April's WrestleMania 38.

By Jamie Kennedy /


Nikki Bella says she has a "ticket booked" for WrestleMania 38.


The WWE Hall Of Famer, who was inducted alongside her sister Brie last year (technically as part of the postponed 2020 HOF festivities), told 'On With Mario Lopez' that she was looking forward to being in attendance for this year's ceremony too.

Teasing more, Bella added: "That's all I can say".


Nikki and Brie worked a segment with Bayley during 'Mania 37, so something similar could be possible at 38 in Dallas this April. Failing that, perhaps Bella will fancy working another match. She was part of January's Royal Rumble pay-per-view; there, she entered 24th and lasted just shy of nine minutes.

Bella also got to eliminate Alicia Fox and Sarah Logan before being dumped out by her own sister.


It's doubtful that WWE would be interested in another sibling vs. sibling scenario between the pair in 2022, but they could be involved in a multi-team effort for the Women's Tag belts on night one or night two. That'd be a great spot for both Bellas.

This is one to keep an eye on in coming weeks.
