Billy Corgan Suing TNA & Dixie Carter

It had to come to this.

By Andrew Soucek /

Details are still a bit scarce at the moment, but PWInsider has reported that TNA President Billy Corgan has filed a lawsuit against Dixie Carter, TNA Impact Wrestling, its parent company Impact Ventures LLC, TNA Chief Financial Officer Dean Broadhead and Dixie's husband Serg Salinas.


While Corgan and his attorney have not yet responded to PWInsider's request for comment, we can assume they have a lot to say if they're able to.

Corgan has reportedly put up a lot of money into keeping TNA going, and basically has saved them from shutting down entirely by providing emergency funds for their tapings. He apparently owns a fair-sized piece of their business, and likely isn't enthused about what has been going on backstage.


Basically, Corgan wants to have 100% control of the company, but it appears Dixie is not about to step aside.

At a recent talent meeting, she took questions from the wrestlers, and Corgan apparently did not attend. However, he's remained in a prominent role on TV and was said to have had final say on the most recent set of tapings.


Will this lawsuit lead him to take over the company? It's impossible to say right now, but the drama between Dixie and Corgan has reached a new high, and you can't imagine both sides working together in TNA's future (if there is much of one).

To make things even more interesting, Ryan Satin (who has broken numerous wrestling stories) has said that a restraining order has also been filed. We don't know against who yet.


More details should be incoming soon.
