Brock Lesnar Has Been Pitching WWE More Ideas To Work With R-Truth

Au unlikely pairing, but one 'The Beast' wants more of.

By Andy H Murray /

Brock Lesnar really, really wants to work with R-Truth again, it seems.


Truth spilled this story himself in a recent interview with Uproxx's With Spandex site. "Brock has actually been pitching ideas," he said. "He wants to work with me doing something because of that [last] segment. He pitched a couple ideas. He and I talked afterwards. The sky's the limit. The business is always changing, and I'm always changing with things."

The segment he refers to went down on the 13 January episode of Raw, with Truth, Lesnar, and Paul Heyman indulging themselves in what was reported to be an unscripted banter session. The show went down in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, so of course Truth mistook this for Suplex City, and while the WWE Champion was clearly enjoying himself throughout the whole thing, he ended up nailing an F5 on truth to close it out.


While the idea of more R-Truth/Lesnar interactions sounds odd on paper, that Brock looked like he was having a blast the last time they worked together means this isn't exactly a huge surprise. Who knows, maybe we'll see more from the duo soon...