Brock Lesnar's UFC 200 Payday Revealed

The Beast is far from broke.

By Andrew Soucek /

2016 Rey Del Rio

Brock Lesnar is a rich man today. Well, even richer than he was yesterday after main-eventing UFC 200.


For The Beast's return fight against Mark Hunt he was guaranteed $2.5 million, which is the highest guarantee the company has ever paid out, according to Yahoo. That's not even including the bonuses he'll receive from the fight.

This should be a very nice year for Brock when it comes to his income, as Forbes has estimated he'll make $6 million off of his extreme part-time WWE schedule alone.


Since Brock won his fight, you can imagine UFC will offer him even more to come back again. Junior dos Santos has already expressed interest on Twitter in being his next opponent, and a bout between them would create huge interest.

Brock has not said what he plans on doing next, but if he wants to win the UFC Heavyweight Title once more it would lead to a ton of publicity for WWE. A legit fighter wearing a UFC title while battling the likes of Randy Orton and John Cena would lend even more intrigue to all of his wrestling matches.


As amazing as $2.5 million for one fight may seem, it pales in comparison to what Floyd Mayweather took in for the Manny Pacquiao boxing match last year, with Money reportedly making $220 million from it. Still, for a guy who just likes to farm and hunt in his free time, he's doing all right for himself.