Bruce Prichard Calls Classic WWE Tag-Team "Very Bland"

Some fans won't like what Bruce Prichard had to say about this old WWE team!

By Jamie Kennedy /

Won't somebody please think of The Brain Busters?! Bruce Prichard has been thinking a lot about the classic WWE tag-team on his 'Something To Wrestle With' podcast, and some older fans might not like what Bruce had to say about Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard as a duo.


Prichard told co-host Conrad Thompson that both Arn and Tully were "excellent" individually, but he always thought they were "very bland" in the WWF as The Brain Busters. That'll surprise longtime listeners, because Bruce has always been incredibly complimentary of Bobby Heenan, and the iconic promo man was involved as the team's manager.


Even the 'Brain' couldn't save them, according to Prichard.

In fact, Bruce would go so far as to say Anderson and Blanchard were "boring at times" during their year long stay in the federation between 1988-1989. He reckons either one could've gone on to do great things higher up the card as singles wrestlers, but thinks something was missing when they worked together.


It'd be fun to find out what Arn thinks about that. Would he agree with Bruce's thoughts? Someone chuck a question Anderson's way next time he's on a podcast!