Bryan Danielson Challenges Jon Moxley... To Team Up And Run AEW

American Dragon says he and Mox should be fighting together, training next generation.

By Scott Carlson /


Bryan Danielson finally confronted Jon Moxley on last night's AEW Dynamite, approaching him in the ring after Mox had dispatched Wheeler Yuta. But rather than challenging Moxley to a fight, Danielson said the duo "should be fighting together" and left an open invitation for a partnership.


Danielson acknowledged he had been watching Mox from afar for a while, calling him the best AEW World Champion and that he'd still be champ if he had gotten the support he needed sooner. He suggested that if the two teamed up, they could run roughshod over AEW.

That's when Bryan started running down all the other champions, mocking Hangman Adam Page as a "millennial cowboy" and taking swipes at "a dinosaur" holding the tag titles and a guy whose main contribution was running a vlog (Sammy Guevara) being TNT Champion. Danielson said he and Mox could take all the titles if they paired up.


He then went a step further and suggested they bring guys like Yuta, Daniel Garcia and Lee Moriarty under their wing and train the next generation of wrestlers to rule AEW. By that time, even the fans and announcers seemed swayed by the pitch.

Danielson left without asking for an answer, telling Moxley to think about it, so expect this story to continue. The question is, will Mox be tempted to partner with Bryan (especially with Eddie Kingston out of action for a couple more weeks), or will he continue to go it alone and reject the offer, which would likely trigger a full-on feud?
