Chris Jericho Loved The Undertaker Losing The Streak

By John Canton /

Chris Jericho has always been one of the most outspoken performers in WWE history. He's got an opinion on anything you ask him. His podcast is a hit and he's also not shy when he does interview as well. Recently he spoke to about a number of subjects including WWE's decision to end The Undertaker's win streak at WrestleMania: "I loved it, I thought it was great. It was a legitimate shock, it got everybody talking. I think the right guy got it, if you're going from a credibility standpoint, and if you're going from a believability standpoint. As much as people and fans and journalists want to believe that it's the case, I'm not sure if Undertaker had too many matches left in him. Maybe he doesn't want to wrestle again. Maybe he knew that he couldn't take any more. Maybe The Undertaker decided that, 'I don't want to do this anymore'. And much to the fans' chagrin, who wish that we would wrestle until the day we die at 90 years old and explode into a puff of dust in the ring, sometimes you've got to make that decision." Jericho went on to say that he was happy that The Streak came to an end: "If the time was now, Brock was the right guy for that day, and I thought it was amazing. And I would have hated it - hated it - if Undertaker would have retired without losing. I think that would have been a horrible way to go, I'm really happy that he lost The Streak." As usual, Jericho isn't shy about telling us how he really feels. He went so far as to say he would have hated it if Undertaker retired without losing The Streak. While we're not sure most fans would agree, it's nice to see the opinion of a respected veteran who has wrestled all over the world and became one of the biggest names in WWE history.
Jericho also spoke about CM Punk's absence and if he thinks Punk may return: "I don't know, man, who knows, right? That's something that only he can answer for sure. To me, if he hasn't come back already, then... I left the WWE for two-and-a-half years in 2005. The only difference was I left when my contract was up, but I disappeared too, because I just was over it. I couldn't take it anymore, I wasn't interested in being there, I was getting miserable, so I know how he feels." "I had no intention of coming back, and after two-and-a-half years I watched Shawn Michaels vs John Cena at WrestleMania 23 and that inspired me to want to come back, but it took two-and-a-half years to get there." "So my answer is, 'I don't know', but I just know how I was when I did the same thing. It took a long time for me to be able to come back, and I was probably the same age as Punk is now too, so maybe he's going through the same thing and after a few years he'll come back." It's an interesting point that Jericho made because he went through a similar thing although when Jericho left in 2005 he wasn't necessarily angry with the creative process like Punk is. He was burnt out from the travel, though, so for that reason his points make a lot of sense. Maybe Punk will come back in a few years instead of within a few months. Maybe Punk won't come back at all. Like Jericho said, we really don't know. Regarding his own return to WWE one day, Jericho explained it this way: "I talk to them all the time, we have a great relationship, but if it doesn't work for both of us, then it won't happen. When the time comes where it does, then it will. It's as simple as that." Hopefully Jericho comes back soon because Jericho has always been capable of having great matches with just about anybody and his willingness to put over younger wrestlers is great to see.