CM Punk: 10 Reasons We Need To Let Him Go

We gotta face facts - it's time to move on from The Best in the World.

By Heather Hickey /

I€™m totally aware that writing an article about why we need to let go of CM Punk is in itself hypocritical. I will absorb said hypocrisy, and promise not to follow up with €œ10 More Reasons Why We REALLY Need to Let CM Punk Go€ or €œ10 Reasons To Hold Out Hope That CM Punk Comes Back€. That€™s not to say that other writers won€™t have something to say about CM Punk, but this was a topic that I felt would be fun to explore. First things first, my personal opinion on CM Punk: I am a CM Punk fan. I loved him in ECW, I loved his feud with Jeff Hardy, I ADORED the Straight Edge Society, I consider the Summer of Punk one of the most thrilling times in WWE, and I was so happy that he got his shot at The Streak. I didn€™t begrudge his sudden departure, and I didn€™t think he€™d come back (which doesn€™t make me super smart or psychic). I have read a lot of pieces on his walk-out, and I can understand why there has been upset, anger, bitterness, and feelings of betrayal. I can see it from the breach of contract standpoint, and I can see it from a disappointed fan€™s standpoint. But here is how I feel about it, 3 months later, and why I feel we need to let CM Punk go.