CM Punk Insults Triple H With Twitter Comment?

A rare WWE comment by Punk has fans wondering what he means.

By John Canton /

CM Punk had some praise for Edge and JBL on Twitter, but in doing so also fired a shot at some other WWE veterans who Punk claimed were afraid to put over younger talent. The fan actually got the info wrong in saying that it was six years ago that Punk cashed in on Edge. His cash in on Edge was on June 30, 2008 and it was June 7, 2009 on Jeff Hardy. Even with the info wrong, it's the thought that counts and Punk's comments certainly caused fans to wonder who he was talking about. A name that immediately comes to mind is Triple H because he was a WWE or World Champion through much of the 2000s and while he did put over some wrestlers in his career, it wasn't like he ever put over CM Punk in a big way. A lot of the rumored issues that Punk had with WWE were Triple H related because the word backstage over the years has been about how Hunter didn't see much in Punk as a star and with Hunter gaining more power, it probably led to Punk wanting to get out of WWE when he did last January.
Punk cashing in on Edge in 2008 was one of the biggest moments of his career. The cash in on Jeff Hardy was a start of a brilliant angle that saw Punk turn into an elite heel performer while having one of the best feuds of his career with Hardy, who left WWE after putting Punk over huge. If you follow CM Punk on Twitter, you know that most of his comments are about hockey, the UFC, comic books or perhaps the occasional comment regarding his wife AJ Lee. That's why it was so rare to see him make that tweet about some unnamed veterans failing to put over younger stars.