CM Punk Ribs Vince McMahon On WWE Star's Twitter

CM Punk used Charlotte Flair's caption contest to crack jokes at Vince McMahon's expense.

By Jamie Kennedy /

CM Punk may never be able to resist cracking jokes that get people talking online.


The ex-WWE star replied to Charlotte Flair's caption contest on Twitter with some banter about Vince McMahon. Charlotte posted a pic of herself doing guest commentary on Raw recently, and asked fans to guess what she was smiling about and/or saying at the time.

That's when Punk, the little rascal, decided to strike.


He replied with an all-caps suggestion that read, "GODDAMNIT PAL WATCH THE MONITORS AND STOP SAYING WRESTLING PAL!". Fans responded in kind by laughing their asses off at Punk's dig - he once did some commentary himself, so he knows all about Vinnie Mac's infamous verbals blasts over those commentary headsets.

The WWE boss likes his announcers to focus exclusively on the monitors instead of watching the ring in front of them. Why? Well, McMahon believes his narrators should call exactly what fans at home are seeing. That's logical, but it hasn't always gone down well with those who have tried out behind the desk.


For the record, Charlotte didn't like or respond to Punk's tweet. That's probably wise.