Cody Rhodes On WWE Return: 'Pick Up Right Where I Left Off'

But the American Nightmare's return might not pick up with Rollins/Rhodes 4.

By Scott Carlson /


If it's up to Cody Rhodes, his return to the ring will pick up right where it left off when he went down with a torn pectoral in June, though that might not include the fourth installment of his rivalry with Seth Rollins.


Rhodes conducted an interview on Monday Night Raw as part of WWE's best of 2022 program, ultimately setting up highlights of his match with Rollins at Hell in a Cell, where Cody wrestled with a torn pec. During the interview, Rhodes was asked about what rekindling his three-match rivalry with Rollins, but he demurred, saying that while Seth might want another match (Cody won all three), the American Nightmare doesn't have it on his radar.

Cody also spoke about his 2023, noting that his 2022 was cut short, but what he was able to accomplish over his two-plus months registered with WWE fans and he wants to "pick up right back where I left off." Rhodes acknowledged he was being "incredibly vague," but added:

"I think anyone who is a fan of what we do can read between the lines. There is one thing I came back for specifically, one thing. And again, a torn pec couldn't stop me, I couldn't name anything that can stop me. It has to be done, it needs to be done, and I want to get it done."

During his return promo on the Raw after WrestleMania, Rhodes specifically mentioned that he came back to WWE to win the WWE Championship that his father Dusty Rhodes never was able to capture. If what he said Monday holds weight, Cody pretty much tipped his hand he's coming for Roman Reigns' championship... or at least one of the two world titles he carries.
