Crossface: 13 Actors Who Must Be Cast In Chris Benoit's Biopic

Who should star in the just announced movie?

By Simon Gallagher /

Despite seemingly major obstacles, it looks like there genuinely will be a movie chronicling the rise and tragic end of the Benoit family. Whether it should be called Crossface is a different matter.


Even though it appeared that there was little chance that WWE - and Vince McMahon in particular - would ever allow something so potentially incendiary to exist without severe opposition, the film has basically just been confirmed.

If that is the case, that's great casting, and a statement of intent that this isn't going to end up being a daytime Lifetime movie that ends up being buried away from the silver screen.


So who else should be involved? The opportunity is obviously there to bring some of WWE's most recognisable figures to the screen, and if there was any justice in the world, the following fantasy suggestions would be high up the casting list...

13. Liev Schreiber As Chris Benoit


There's only one man for the job.


Schreiber was linked to the role as early as a few years ago, and more recent reports linked him once again, so it seems someone in the industry is keen to get the talented character actor involved.

He has the right sort of intensity, he's a big guy and he would be believable as Benoit at his most frenetic and his most committed. If this doesn't happen, it will be a travesty.
