Current WWE Star Pitches "Super-Heavyweight Division"

Someone fancies seeing WWE's Monday Night Raw become Monday Night MEAT!

By Jamie Kennedy /

WWE star Bronson Reed has called on the company to start booking regular "super-heavyweight" matches on programming, and possibly implement a brand new "super-heavyweight division".


Reed told Busted Open Radio that it's also time for those booked as World Champs "to be heavyweight champions and eat some sandwiches". He's really pleased with the internal response to his hard-hitting match vs. Ivar on Monday's episode of Raw too - that was a "sell out" amongst other wrestlers watching on backstage monitors, and WWE higher-ups were happy with it too.


Their reactions tell Bronson he's going about his business the right way, but the ex-NXT man is hungry for more. Way more. He called on guys like Ivar, Otis and himself to fly the flag for big powerhouses who can still move and show impressive athleticism.

In a strange follow-up moment of contradiction, Reed also said that he doesn't want to be "pigeon-holed into being just a super-heavyweight guy". That clashes with his idea to launch a division exclusively for "super-heavyweights", obviously.


Bronson also dropped hints that this wouldn't be doable on SmackDown because management want to go "a bit more cruiserweight-heavy" on Friday nights.