Daniel Bryan Says A Doctor Has Cleared Him But Not WWE
Bryan claims he feels amazing, but WWE won't let him wrestle yet.
The situation is I've been cleared by one doctor in Phoenix, but the WWE doctor is hesitant to clear me. I guess they don't want me really talking about it. There's mixed opinions on what's best for me. It's not like I just have some guy who's my buddy who just happens to be a doctor (that cleared me).In an interview with Boomer and Carton on WFAN New York, Bryan admitted that he suffered a concussion and that he has a history of concussions. He went on to say that he fees amazing and he was itching to get back in the ring. He added that he has three years left on his WWE contract while adding that it's been frustrating not being allowed to wrestle even though he feels like he's fully healthy.
My neck is completely fine. Its more of a concussion issue. And Brie was very hesitant about this whole thing and thats why WWE is very protective over me too. Everyone is more aware of concussions and thats why, with WWE, I dont see what theyre doing, as far as making me go through all these hurdles, I dont see that as a negative. Theyre protecting me and especially in this era of concussion awareness. Brie at first was like, Hmm, Im not sure, given your history. But when we met with the neurologist in Phoenix and we went through all the testing and he said: Ok, all of my testing is not just coming back good, its coming back excellent. As far as my brain right now, its at a level above most people who have never had a concussion my age.In the same interview, he mentioned that his right arm is at 85% of the strength that his left arm is but that his right arm will likely never be 100%. He added that it's not like he's feeble with his right arm. It's just something he has to deal with. Bryan is doing a lot of interviews to promote his new book, which came out this week. While he mentioned that WWE probably doesn't want him to talk about the specifics of his injuries, he's making it clear to people that he thinks he can wrestle again and hopefully soon he will be able to. Do you think he'll ever wrestle again? Let us know in the comments below.