Daniel Bryan WWE Raw Return Update

Yes! Daniel Bryan gives an update.

By Grahame Herbert /

Daniel Bryan has told IGN that he is due to see a third doctor and is hoping to return to WWE Raw soon if that appointment goes well. €œOne neurologist who specializes in concussions €” who was the neurologist for the Super Bowl last year €” cleared me with no limitations. All my testing came back excellent,€ he said. €œBut the WWE€™s medical doctor is sceptical, because of my history of concussions and that sort of thing. So they will not clear me.€ However, Bryan sounded upbeat with the following statement €œThey€™re going to send me to a third doctor at some point in the near future and that doctor will decide my fate.€ But he did admit, that if two out of three doctors advise against his return, he isn't going to go against such professional advice. That would probably mean retirement. IGN then asked him if he'd consider commentary or a character position that doesn't involve wrestling. He said that would be a lot of fun, and he'd have a contract to fulfil, but he'd probably find it hard being so close to the action when he couldn't wrestle. It sounds like it really is up in the air a bit still, but at least Bryan is seeing this third doctor and preparing to find out definitively if he can or can not return. It will be a very sad situation if he isn't able to return, as he really was just hitting his career peak when injuries robbed him in 2014 and again this year. His main event days are now almost certainly behind him, WWE wouldn't risk him in a championship spot, but he could definitely still contribute if he came back as an active wrestler. He's great at what he does. If the news was bad and he could only return as a character, that could also be a lot of fun. Bryan is fine on the mic and commentary might be a good spot for him. He can't be any worse than Byron Saxton.