Details On Owen Hart And The Undertaker WWE DVD Releases

Long awaited Owen set will be a must buy for WWE fans.

By Grahame Herbert /

WWE will be releasing major DVD sets on Owen Hart and The Undetaker later this year. are reporting that the Hart feature will be titled "Owen Hart: Hart of Gold" and will be released on December 7th. The project is notable because Martha Hart (Owen's widow) has said she doesn't support its release. WWE are moving ahead with it regardless. As for The Undertaker DVD set, it will be an updated version of the 2012 streak DVD. The missing matches and a fuller documentary are anticipated. It could be a five disc set and will be titled "The Undertaker: The Streak - 21-1 (RIP Edition)." It will be released in November, which may not be a coincidence. With Taker doing a tour of Mexico in October, it could be an indication he'll be working Survivor Series the following month. It would make sense that this new DVD is released in conjunction with that. The timing is also interesting in that it suggests The Undertaker narrative is complete. There's already speculation that he'll be retiring next year at WrestleMania 32 in his home state, this career retrospective DVD will only add fuel to those retirement rumours. Both sets will be must buys for collectors, and WWE Network versions will likely follow in the year afterwards.