DId Dolph Ziggler Just Quit WWE & Relinquish US Title?

'The Show Off' shoves off

By Michael Hamflett /


Just two days removed from Dolph Ziggler's Clash Of Champions United States Title victory, 'The Show Off' appeared to abandon his newly-won championship and entire WWE career after cutting a vitriolic promo in what was supposed to be a celebratory speech.


In a monologue laden with inconvenient truths on his tenure at large, Ziggler slammed the notion that his Sunday win was remotely surprising considering his numerous solo title wins in a near-decade on the main roster. He even used footage to back his claims up, raiding the archives for footage of hollow triumphs over Kofi Kingston, Alberto Del Rio and others.

Noting that the audience weren't "worthy" of his presence after his years of unrewarding toil, he dropped the belt and microphone in the middle of the ring and departed, ostensibly for good.


Curiously (and possibly completely by coincidence), its the latest example of Dolph aping the legendary Shawn Michaels in his work. After weeks of referring to himself as the "Greatest in-ring performer in WWE History" and even 'tuning up the band' before hitting superkicks, his stubble-and-suit surrender mirrored 'HBK's infamous 1997 "Lost My Smile" World Title abdication.

Back then, Shawn was back and bumping with Ziggler's pinball-like vim less than three months later. Will Dolph's trajectory again follow a similar pattern, or could this really be the beginning of a scripted end of the disillusioned veteran?
