Did Triple H Reject WWE Roles Given To Heyman & Bischoff?

Has Vince McMahon just passed his son-in-law over?

By Andy H Murray /


News that Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff had been handed new Executive Directors positions in WWE led to speculation regarding Triple H, who has long been considered Vince McMahon's heir apparent in the promotion.


On first glance, it looked like the Chairman had passed his son-in-law over, particularly when PW Insider confirmed Bischoff and Heyman roles comparable to 'The Game's' down in NXT. This talk switched when Brad Shepard reported the following:-


Unfortunately for conspiracy theorists, this doesn't seem to be the case, as two of wrestling's most credible journalists have since rubbished the report.

The first was Pro Wrestling Sheet's Ryan Satin, who claimed that multiple sources have informed him that "the rumour of Triple H being offered/turning down one of the Executive Director positions is false." Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful.com came through with a similar comment: "I have not heard anything even remotely confirmed that Triple H turned down an Executive Director position."


While we aren't privy to WWE's inner workings, this makes it seem like Vince simply chose two of his former rivals over his heir apparent. There's currently no word on how the appointments may affect Triple H's role going forward.