Does Vince McMahon Regret Losing Chris Jericho To AEW?

Jericho himself certainly seems to think so...

By Andy H Murray /


A recent interview with the Tampa Bay Times saw Chris Jericho touch on many topics, with the most newsworthy comments stemming from his thoughts on WWE and Vince McMahon.


"I earned Vince's trust," Jericho said. "It takes a long time to get his real trust: money-making trust. He never told me this but indirectly, I think he regrets losing me because I was one of his generals. I'm not always right, but f*ck if I'm not close 80% of the time."

It's probably safe to assume that McMahon does, indeed, regret letting Jericho go, not only for his skill as a performer, but because of what he means to AEW. Sure, he wouldn't have been WWE's biggest needle-mover had he stuck around, but he most certainly is that for AEW.


The interview also saw Jericho state that WWE "will probably never mention me again," adding "I don't blame them. Why would they promote me in any way, shape, or form, when I'm the head of the opposing army? In their opinion, that's stealing money out of their pockets."

Jericho also said that he'll never be considered for the WWE Hall of Fame for as long as he works for the Khan family, though he isn't bothered by that. "I'm a Hall-of-Famer in my mind," he said. "That's all that matters."
