Does WWE Hate The Environment?

WWE's climate never changes.

By Benjamin Richardson /


In stark contrast to his GOP successors, one of George H.W. Bush's most significant legacies was in recognising - and attempting to tackle - the issue of climate change. A far cry from the modern Republican rhetoric of denial diverting the discussion, Bush was fully aware that human activity was going to have "profound consequences" for the environment.


Despite being intimately tied to the fossil fuel industry, Bush enshrined the National Climate Assessment agency in law, making it impossible for future administrations to skirt the issue. He was also a fundamental figure in passing the Global Change Research Act, acknowledging that these were issues the Earth was facing now, and not some distant problem for a future generation.

Bush had laid the groundwork for Bill Clinton's innovate environmental policy, but Republicans who succeeded 42 in the Oval Office did their level best to roll it all back - including Bush's son, George W. Things reached their nadir when Donald Trump made the reprehensible decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement one of his first acts in power.


So it smacked of typical WWE insincerity when, just a single day removed from breaking their usual policy of indifference in airing a touching tribute to the departed President, they had Daniel Bryan play the heel off the back of his own environmental ethics.

The 'new' Daniel Bryan, styled in typical straggly-haired Bohemian fashion - suspiciously woollen cardigan aside - leaned into his much-blazoned Veganism by contrasting his single sin of booting a man in the balls with the audience's quotidian habit of killing the planet:

"These people harm the earth every day with their needless consumption. Every single day they drink their plastic water bottles, every single day they eat their factory farmed meat which emits methane into the atmosphere, which causes permanent change to the climate."

He was met with a torrent of boos. There was never any chance he wouldn't be.

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