Edge Criticises WWE's "Greatest Wrestling Match Ever" Billing?

How does the legend really feel about WWE's Backlash hype?

By Jamie Kennedy /


Edge appeared on WWE's Raw Talk show and described the billing for his match with Randy Orton at Backlash this Sunday as an "albatross".


His wording was interesting, because it mimics what most wrestling fans think about WWE calling the Edge vs. Orton repeat the "Greatest Wrestling Match Ever" before it has even happened. That, the 'Rated-R Superstar' agrees, adds unnecessary pressure to both men before the pay-per-view.

Edge said that his family would never be disappointed in him no matter what transpires, but said he's wary of letting fans who buy into the hype down. Again, as others have questioned, it must be asked why WWE thought putting this burden on the pair was a good idea?


"Greatest Match Ever" is something that should surely only be decreed after a bout has smashed it, not before.

During his appearance on the post-Raw analysis show, Edge admitted that he's feeling very nervous about Backlash. He's also determined to give it his all and have the best match possible though. Fans would never doubt that - Edge's return at the Royal Rumble was fantastic, and he's clearly in excellent physical shape.


That branding for Backlash is just a little much.