Enzo Amore, Big Cass, And Carmella To WWE Main Roster?

"Realest Guys in the Room" could debut before WrestleMania.

By Scott Fried /

Rumors are swirling that the next call-ups from NXT to WWE's main roster could be ultra-popular tag team Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassidy, along with their manager, Carmella. The trio have been on the road with the main roster this week, defeating The Ascension at a pair of house shows and beating two local wrestlers in a dark match prior to last night's Main Event tapings. Reportedly, they've been receiving very strong reactions from WWE's crowds. With WWE's creative team allegedly trying to come with ideas for the group, there's still not much in the way of hard facts regarding their upcoming debut. Logic would dictate, though, that the trio would make perfect foils for WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day, and despite the fact that the event is less than two months away, a WrestleMania clash between the teams would be more heated that something involving The Usos or The Dudley Boyz. Despite never holding the brand's Tag Team Titles, Enzo and Big Cass have emerged as NXT's most popular tag team. If they could pull off a similar feat in WWE, getting reactions on par with The New Day, their future in the company would be assured.