Every Undefeated Wrestler In AEW So Far

Wins And Losses Matter, So Who's Got The Best Possible Record In AEW After Three Shows?

By Jacob Simmons /


All Elite Wrestling has just announced the start date for its brand new TV show.


Come October 2nd 2019 and viewers will finally have what feels like a mainstream alternative to WWE for the first time in almost two decades.

AEW isn't just exciting because it's new, it's exciting because it's promising a lot of big changes to the way pro wrestling is presented.

Much has been made of the "sports-like" presentation of wrestling that AEW has assured its viewers will see and one element of this is a focus on the win-loss records of competitors.

The Khan Family, the financial backers of AEW, made their money in sports statistics, so it makes perfect sense for numbers and figures to be a big part of their new venture.

So, if we apply this logic, then surely we can deduce who the top stars in AEW are as of right now.

We've taken into account the matches from AEW's three major events so far and put together this list of every competitor who is yet to suffer a defeat.

Disclaimer: we're not counting any elimination from the Casino Battle Royale as a loss, but we are including wrestlers who did not win tag team or multi-person matches despite not actually being pinned.

11. Hikaru Shida And Ryo Mizunami

We start with one of the most exciting innovations in AEW - the introduction of Japanese joshi wrestlers to a mainstream American audience.


Joshis - a term for Japanese female wrestlers - haven't been given much of a chance to shine in North America and the prospect of these performers having the opportunity to show their talents on a grander stage is very exciting.

AEW's first show, Double or Nothing, hosted six joshi talents in a three-on-three tag team match. On the losing side of this bout were Yuka Sakazaki, Emi Sakura, and Aja Kong.

The winners of this match were Riho, who lot a tag team match on the Fight For The Fallen pre-show, and her partners, Hikaru Shida and Ryo Mizunami.

Both Shida and Mizunami are rising stars and showed this at Double or Nothing, with many fans and critics believing that the six-woman match was the sleeper hit of the show.

Neither woman has appeared on an AEW show since, so their records currently stand at 1-0. However, with the company looking to push their women's division hard and both of these wrestlers impressing, expect to see both of them back in an AEW ring very soon.
