Every Wrestler Who Kicked Out Of The Undertaker's Tombstone

One... Two... Thr-

By David Cambridge /

The Undertaker has ruled the WWE yard for more than a quarter-century since his debut in 1990.


And while much of the power he wields over the wrestling world of course stems from his darkly magical powers, an equal part owes to an ability to get it done in the ring like almost nobody else. The Deadman is perhaps the best big man the industry has ever seen, with a finishing move as devastating as any that have come before him.

To illustrate this point, it took until 1998 for one of 'Taker's opponents to kick out at two after receiving the Tombstone Piledriver. Since that time, only eight others have managed to repeat the feat. If your name is on this list, it's an enormous claim to fame, on a par with being able to say that you once got a five-star rating from Dave Meltzer (well, almost).

Please note that, despite this article's title, we're only going to be focusing on the wrestlers who kicked out of The Phenom's finisher. Those who managed to get their shoulder up after taking one from Kane - a group which probably numbers somewhere in the hundreds - sadly don't count.

9. Kane

If anyone should know how to kick out of the Tombstone, it's Kane, who has used the move for more than 20 years since first borrowing it from his estranged brother at Badd Blood back in 1997.


Some have even gone so far as to suggest that the Big Red Machine executes the manoeuvre better than the originator - or at least they did during his younger days, back when he would properly jump to his knees for maximum impact.

Whatever your opinions on that, there's no getting away from the fact that Paul Bearer's monster first kicked out of the Tombstone during the duo's inaugural encounter at WrestleMania XIV. Here, it actually took The Undertaker some three Tombstones to finally put his little bro away.

That's almost one for every forgettable feud they would share over the next 15 years, although in subsequent matches it was proven that Kane's initial iron man act was little more than a fluke: only one was required to keep him down for a three count in 2004.
