Ex-NXT Star Was In SCARY Car Wreck Before WWE Release

It has been a rough few weeks for this former NXT wrestler...

By Andy H Murray /

Twitter, @Dorian_Mak

NXT wrestler Dorian Mak (also known as Dan Matha) was amongst WWE's string of releases last week, though being let go by the biggest wrestling promotion in the game isn't the only misfortune to befall the towering muscle man in recent weeks.


Mak posted the following to Twitter on Sunday, revealing that he'd been involved in a car accident prior to being let go:-


Good grief, that head injury. The man has a dent in his skull. Gross.

As bad as it looks, however, Mak has confirmed that he is "alive and well."


The accident would go some way to explaining why the 31-year-old hasn't been active between the ropes lately. Mak last competed on 7 March, losing to Tyler Breeze on an NXT house show in Orlando Florida, and had kept a regular schedule prior to that. He hadn't appeared on television since the 2 January episode of NXT UK, however. He and Outliers partner Riddick Moss lost to Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter on that show.

The Outliers were effectively dissolved when manager Robert Stone started appearing alongside Chelsea Green and Moss was promoted to Raw. Fingers cross that Mak finds his spot in pro-wrestling once the current global situation blows over.
