Ex-WWE Announcer Recalls Owen Hart Apologising For 'Getting Too Physical'

Owen Hart owed this announcer an apology after 'pushy' on-screen moment in WWE.

By Jamie Kennedy /


Former WWE announcer Todd Pettengill once approached Owen Hart backstage and asked for an apology. Why? Well, the 'Toddster' wasn't too chuffed with how pushy and physical Owen had been during his 1994 King Of The Ring coronation, and he wanted to let the wrestler know about it.


To his credit, Hart immediately apologised - he didn't realise he'd been too over-the-top and rough with Pettengill. Owen had no problems saying sorry, and promised that he'd be more considerate if they ever worked with one another in a similar angle again.

Todd told this story on 'That 90s Wrestling Podcast', and says he appreciated how gracious Hart was about the incident afterwards. Pettengill didn't want any heat with the locker room, but he knew he had to stand up for himself and prevent that sort of thing from happening in the future.


Owen apologised, explained that he was just caught up "in the heat of the moment", and said he'd "never do that again". Todd thought that was classy, because it would've been easy for Hart to laugh and brush the announcer off.