Ex-WWE Star Says He Wants Return Despite "Experiencing Racism"

A former WWE wrestler fancies "shutting up critics" and making his comeback.

By Jamie Kennedy /


Sin Cara believes it's the right time to launch a WWE comeback and shut up backstage doubters once and for all.


The masked man told TUDN Mexico that he'd like to return despite "experiencing racism" behind the scenes in the company during his previous tenure. Explaining, Cara said that WWE officials refused to give him several big opportunities that he'd been "promised".

Elaborating further, the former Lucha Dragon (alongside fellow ex-WWE alumni Kalisto) said, "There are people in WWE who don’t want you to overshadow their [American] talent". That sentence is sure to turn some heads, especially amongst pro wrestling fans.


Cara wants to get his own back at those who stopped him from achieving his personal ambitions in the promotion though. He described the thought of becoming a WWE star again as a "wonderful thing", and said it'd give him great satisfaction to "shut up the critics".

Sin Cara left WWE on 8 December 2019. He'd been with the organisation since December 2009 - eventually, after working some shots opposite the original Cara and then being renamed Hunico, he assumed the mask full time.
