Fascinating WWE Ideas That Flopped HARD!

Remember SmackDown's mysterious hacker? That worked out well, didn't it?

By Gareth Morgan /

A compelling WWE idea ultimately going absolutely nowhere and becoming yet another monumental disappointment may not be quite as common an occurrence as it used to be, but even in 'Papa H's playground a few fascinating concepts have recently flopped hard.


Now, it would be foolish to assume that every single new plan to get a star over, breathe fresh life into a worker, or make a rather stale show that little bit more exciting is going to automatically lead to success.

But it must be said that every one of the following WWE concepts or projects appeared to boast a ton of potential at one point - or at the very least felt like a rather bold and extremely interesting move.

Sadly, however, either due to simply not getting behind the idea as much as they should have, failing to adapt to what the audience was clearly telling them, or not fully thinking the plan through before unleashing it into the world of sports entertainment, all of these weird and wonderful ideas well and truly failed.

Hopefully some vital lessons were learned, though, right?

Probably not...

10. Main Roster DIY

Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa will forever be recognised as two of the greatest performers ever to grace an NXT ring.


As part of the black and gold brand, both as a DIY unit and singles stars in their own right, the world-class workers frequently blew the roof off of arenas and helped make the developmental show the hottest product in all of wrestling at one point.

So, fans simply could not wait for the moment the pair finally made the jump up to the "big time."

But they were made to wait. And wait. And wait.

And by the time both lads were officially called up - after that random and completely pointless 2019 main roster "debut" - and fully fit, that once-intriguing concept of DIY taking the Raw or SmackDown by storm sadly just felt like a case of too little, too late.

It also didn't help that Triple H simply assumed that just dumping the two former NXT Champions into a few tag matches together would lead to deafening reactions out of the gates.

The average WWE fan who didn't experience the pair's captivating wars with The Revival or against one another simply knew these two losers as the former pals and disappointing rivals of The Miz.

And unsurprisingly, after doing very little to make current fans give a damn about this latest addition to the red brand's tag roster, DIY have ultimately become another pair of occasionally exciting bodies just lost in the shuffle.
