Has Tough Enough's ZZ Signed WWE Developmental Deal?

Is the alligator wrestler himself coming to NXT sooner rather than later?

By Ryan Droste /

With Sara Lee and Josh Bredle winning the $250,000 Tough Enough contracts last month, it was expected that others from the cast would find themselves lading WWE deals. Amanda has been recently signed to take part in Total Divas, and now it appears another competitor from the show is moving forward with the company. Zamariah Loupe, best known to fans as ZZ, was spotted at the WWE Performance Center on Monday, according to PWInsider. ZZ took part in training sessions in the ring with other WWE developmental talents, so it appears either he has signed a deal with the company or the option is being explored. Considering other talents from the show such as Patrick Clark and Mada are still out there, un-signed, the potential news of a contract being offered to ZZ would have to be seen as a bit of a surprise. Though he did connect with the audience throughout the contest, never being voted off despite being placed in the bottom three numerous times, work ethic and physical endurance were red flags as the competition went on. However, ZZ did work surprisingly well in the ring with Cesaro during the Tough Enough finale, so perhaps the company sees money and potential in him moving forward.