How Braun Strowman Became WWE's Best Modern Day Monster

The 'Mountain Of A Man' reaches a new summit.

By Michael Hamflett /

Hurling an announcer's chair at Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns in the middle of the chaotic SummerSlam show-closer, Braun Strowman reemerged from the wreckage he'd created using Brock Lesnar's lifeless carcass. That it wasn't a steel chair but an ungainly moulded leather one acutely summed up the type of carnage he'd had no problem contributing to. 'The Beast' had gone through two tables with running powerslams, then had a third tipped on him as the 'Monster Among Men' did everything he could to obliterate the Universal Champion in the same manner as every other opponent he'd faced en route to main eventing the second biggest show of the year.


A year earlier, and he wasn't even on the card. Two years previous, he'd yet to even debut on the main roster. And a year before that, he hadn't to even make his in-ring in an NXT ring. In early 2015, Strowman was merely a 'Rosebud', prancing and dancing with the 'Exotic Express' that accompanied Adam Rose to ringside. But whilst the 'Ultimate Party Animal' withered and died, Braun eventually blossomed in the most remarkable fashion. An old-style giant that barely leaves his feet in an era of ceaseless suicide dives, he is an archetypal success story for the company in 2017 despite Vince McMahon's long loyal propensity for giants. But just how did he become such a dynamic goliath for the modern age?