How Did The Rock React To THAT Young Rock Roman Reigns Tease?

Brian Gewirtz reveals precisely what Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson thought about the tease...

By Gareth Morgan /


One-time WWE head writer Brian Gewirtz has revealed exactly what Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson had to say about that Roman Reigns tease in his Young Rock NBC series.


For those unaware, the hit sit-com based on The Rock's life saw a scene go down during the fifth episode of its second season that involved a young Tribal Chief attempting to get physical with Johnson in the living room. And in a rather cheeky tease towards a potential WWE future, Johnson is seen saying the line "No, the world's not ready. A match that big can only happen at WrestleMania."

Sure enough, the Internet quickly blew up on the back of this fuel being added to the fire of a potential Reigns vs. Rock showdown at WrestleMania 39. And Gewirtz himself, an Executive Producer on the show, noted to, "I threw out that line."


And when he nudged the series' focus about using this crowd-popping line in the show, Johnson was quick to reply by admitting, "I don't know if the match is going to happen." Gewirtz would also play his cards understandably close to his chest when going further on the matter, explaining:

"Maybe it does or maybe it doesn't, but it's certainly a cool moment in the 'Young Rock' universe. If it does happen, then you know that little clip is going to be in the big video package so it works either way. That's how I see it."

It remains to be seen whether Rocky will dust off his boots for one last battle in-between the ropes with his own flesh and blood. But Gewirtz was definitely doing all he could to get people talking about Young Rock and a suggested Tribal Chief/Great One 'Mania main event, and he clearly succeeded on both fronts.
