How Much Does WWE's New Signature Triple H Championship Cost?

It's time to pay 'The Game'...

By Jamie Kennedy /

WWE Shop has just released a brand new signature championship belt to commemorate Triple H's 25th Anniversary celebrations.


The replica title, which will be available for purchase on 7 May, has Attitude era style and comes with a personalised leather strap and side plates. Triple H never had his own custom WWE Title, but if he had it would've looked something like this.

Anyone interested will have to fork over some serious cash though.


The belt is available for $499.99 in the United States and around £450 in the UK. It's certainly bold to release an item this expensive during a financially uncertain time for so many people, but somebody will have some birthday cash to spend somewhere.

The customised leather strap features some seriously-shiny gold studs, a brand new 'Twenty Five' Triple H logo and the 'XXV' branding to mark 25 years. On the other side of the main title plate, there's another logo that says '1995-2020' and again trumpets the 25th Anniversary landmark.


Some fans on social media are already lauding the title as aesthetically superior to the main WWE Title design used on TV.