How Tough Enough Has Changed WWE Diva Search

Why is Tough Enough forcing WWE to change things?

By John Canton /

WWE is bringing back the Diva Search to WWE Network this year, but they are still working on the structure of the show, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. The format was going to be like Tough Enough likely with a host, coaches and judges, but WWE has recognized the issues they have with the Tough Enough. They feel like since the format hasn't worked that well that they need to make some changes to what they had planned for the Divas Search. Since WWE hasn't announced anything in terms of a casting call or application process, they may have a tough time fitting in this year. It takes time to set something up like that. Perhaps there will be some sort of formal announcement in the coming weeks after Tough Enough is over at the end of August.

It's interesting that they are even doing a diva search in the PG era because the last one was in 2007 and they went PG in 2008. While the women on the roster are still used on television regularly, the days of bikini contests and lingerie pillow fights are over. The first diva search took place in 2004 with Christy Hemme as the winner. The 2006 winner was Layla El, who recently just retired after nine years in the company. Based on Layla's tenure, WWE obviously finds the Diva Search a worthwhile project and they could definitely use more programming on WWE Network as well.
