How WWE Just Saved One Of Its Worst Ideas EVER

The Judgment Day were beaten black and blue before Triple H's WWE purple patch.

By Michael Hamflett /

Triple H is dividing opinion in his still-relatively-new role as WWE’s head of creative.


The honeymoon period post-Vince McMahon couldn’t last forever of course, but as a few of his early big punts start to falter, scrutiny into the things that aren’t really working has rightfully increased.

With bloom off the fresh summer’s rose, questions of how much change he can actually affect within WWE’s restrictive system - or for that matter how much he even wants to - are being asked. Fair analysis is fair game, as is diving deeper into these and other concerning creative developments heading into 2023.


But about as far away from any of these doubts and niggles is an act that - for the first half the year - was sweeping the board for 2022’s “worst” awards. Squash wins, too. Landslide sh*t. The Judgment Day was trending towards all-time awful territory, but a combination of real world chaos, some truly brilliant creativity and those cool inverted purple spotlights shone down on the group - and things have never been better for all four as a result.

